Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Wedding Wednesday: RSVP PLEASE!

This week, we are speaking to you guests out there - the hosts can sit this one out.  And our concept is simple and easy and will make you a gracious guest very easily. 

SEND YOUR RESPONSE CARDS (or email, phone, website reply) BACK TO YOUR HOST!  PLEASE!  And this goes for guests of weddings, parties, showers, sprinkles, pancake breakfasts, charity luncheons, etc. and so forth in whatever format they ask you to respond in.

If your host has asked that you RSVP by a certain date, it is because he or she needs to know if you will be attending the event.  They need to give final numbers to their caterers.  They need to order the appropriate serveware and linens.  They need to print the correct number of programs.  Purchase the appropriate amount of favors.  Bottom line, they just need to know!!! 

Would you like to plan (and pay for) a guest not attending your event?  No?  Well, then please, do unto others as you would have done unto you and RSVP! 

For heaven's sake, on wedding rsvp's, it's already half filled out and stamped for you!  Don't make that poor frazzled bride call you well after the reply request date to find out your status!  She's busy!  She's stressed!  She should not have to worry if you are attending and whether or not you want steak or chicken!  She should know by now because you should have sent back your card. 

Got it?  Good.  Please do it. 

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