Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Wedding Wednesday: Inviting your officiant to your reception

It is appropriate and gracious behavior to invite your officiant to your reception.  After all, he/she did just perform the most important aspect of your wedding weekend! 

Ideally, send your officiant an invitation as you would to any guest.   However, if you choose to verbally invite him or her, be sure to follow up with details and to ask for a response.   Never just assume he or she WILL or WON'T attend. 

If your officiant does accept the invitation to attend the reception, seat him or her at the head table.  If there isn't a head table, seating the officiant with either set of parents is the next best thing. 

Often times, your officiant will decline the invitation or simply stay for cocktail hour.   If this is the case, take your first post-ceremony picture with your officiant so that you maybe be respectful of his or her time. 

1 comment:

  1. Interesting opinion...but i gotta say, i like it!

    i am grateful for the invite, but i NEVER insist on staying unless i am given an explicit invitation to do so. Some officiants will insist on a 'vendor meal' which is poor form.

    And head table is NOT necessary. The couples who invite me, to stay for the reception have often seated me with interesting people they think i would get along with..and they have all been awesome.
